Monday, November 27 - Friday, December 1

Friday Today is International Vestival Day 1. Story dice 2. poetry Kahoot - 3. extra poetry Kahoot - 4. Quizlet reminder 5. Work on your monologue. Thursday 1. Creative writing fun: story dice 2. Poetry terms & devices: diction and dramatic monologues. 3. Example monologues 4. Write a monologue - details in OneNote 5. Peer edit micro-fiction Wednesday Happy National Chocolates Day 1. Self-assessment of your stand alone "Alien/the Other" text response - do this in OneNote. You should have had a peer-assessment done on Monday. 2. A couple more sample micro fictions for you: Last bit of class time on the Micro fiction stories. Rubric etc. is in a document in OneNote/collaboration space - which is where you should put your story, on the page with the pseudonym you created Monday. Tue...