Monday, November 19 - Thursday, November 22


1963 - 2017 - 54 regenerations in 3.5 minutes:

1. Who is the winner of the CBC poetry contest for 2017? Tally votes again? You said Lunar Landing yesterday. Why is this poem the most effective at showing us something about the human experience?
2. Poetry terms and devices. ABCs
ballad stanza (straight outta Wikepedia!)
a four-line stanza in iambic meter in which the first and third unrhymed lines (a & c) have four metrical feet and the second (b) and fourth (d) rhyming lines have three metrical feet.
All in a hot and copper sky! 
The bloody Sun, at noon,    
Right up above the mast did stand,
No bigger than the Moon.
Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 111 – 114
The longer first and third lines are rarely rhymed, although at times poets may use internal rhyme in these lines.
In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud,         assonance!
It perched for vespers nine;
Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white,
While the creatures crooned
Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 75 – 78

Cacophony is opposite to euphony which is the use of words having pleasant and harmonious effects. Generally, the vowels, semi-vowels and the nasal consonants e.g. l, m, n, r, y are considered to be euphonious. Cacophony, on the other hand, uses consonants in combinations which requires explosive delivery e.g., p, b, d, g, k, ch-, sh- etc. Mr Coleridge again, if you please: 
“With throats unslaked, with black lips baked,
Agape they heard me call.”
3. Love poetry - lab report redux

1. Complete the Creative responses today - I promise!


Alascattalo Day is being observed today! It has always been observed annually on November 21st.

About the Holiday

Alascattalo Day is a day to honor Alaskan humor. Based on their mascot the Alascattalo which is a cross between a moose and a walrus.

Gift Guidelines

  • Figurine or shirt with a Walrus or Moose on it
  • Winter gifts (like mittens, hats, scarves)
1. Complete any remaining presentations from the aliens inquiry unit.
2. Go over creative writing inquiry unit.
3. Will come back to flash fiction writing contest later this week. Today, we will read the 5 shortlisted poems in the CBC's 2017 Poetry Contest. After we have all read the poems together, you and your group members will be given one of the 5 poems to defend in class tomorrow. The details for your defence are listed below.

***bell will ring
30-60 seconds
show them Canada reads so they have to gather what to do
do a fish bowl so each group member has something to do

  1. poem summary in one sentence
  2. 30-60 brief of why your poem should win
  3. panel discussion of your poem - each group will create one questions to give to me to fuel this discussion
  4. reads a segment from the poem - killer passage + why it should win + theme? message?purpose?

Your ticket out the door today is to write ONE question which I will ask during the panel 

for questions, think about these ideas...
purpose - theme - messages
how the writer writes - features of poem
personal, social and cultural identity
how poem connects to the social, or the political
why it is relevant for everyone  - this is the panel discussing the books based on a question begin at 36:00   begin at 10:45


1. 15-20 minutes.
Go to the Language is a Virus website:

Under "Writing Games", select "Electronic Poetry" - play for a bit, then once you have selected a poetry kit from a particular poet that you like, write a poem. Save a copy of your poem. You can try using the saving/posting icons in the top right corner. I tried saving to OneNote, but it didn't work(big surprise!). Take a screen shot or a photo with your phone - do something to save it because eventually you will put it in your creative writing e-Portfolio!

2. Read a love poem! In your personal folder in term 2, you will see the document Poetry Lab #1. Pick one of the poems and write up a lab report for your chosen love poem. Do your work directly in OneNote, but save a copy elsewhere too just in case. Show some creativity in your thinking with this "lab report" and have some fun messing with the poem to get it to reveal itself. Due by tomorrow's class.


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