Monday, May 1 - Friday, May 5

Wednesday Today we are continuing to bring a little Ernest into your life. "WHEN he writes very well about love, loss, tenderness or fear, Hemingway works with the assumption that he must cause the reader to share the unstated emotion. That is responsible writing, a writing that is about the essential transaction between writer and reader. It is about being human in a time of despair. Hemingway made it clear to his readers that a writer who stared into the truths or evasions of the soul and tried to bring back something of what he had seen was a comrade in arms to the warrior or hunter: each was a laborer at his trade who risked his life in the plying of the trade. Hemingway's work demonstrates that the making of art is a matter of life and death, no less. At about the age of 24, I would say, Hemingway started to write about the choice his protagonists must make: either fall prey to the terror of living, and therefore kill themselves, or soldier on with what...