Monday, April 25 - Friday, April 29
Friday 1. Pick one of the 3 love poems . Write all over it / annotate your own copy it using the steps of a Close Reading. 2. Pick another one of the 3 love poems . Write all over it / annotate it, answering the following questions: What evidence can you find of cultural influences/references in this poem? What evidence can you find that this poem is influenced by the society in which it was written? What evidence can you provide that this poem was written in a specific geographical area? What evidence in the poem points to it being produced during a particular point in history ? 3. For the remainder of the class, work on your analysis of your poem for the infographic. Thursday Poem analysis assignment: Create an Infographic about a poem When choosing your poem for the Infographic Analysis assignment, consider the following: The BIG IDEA for this study of poetry is: Can poetry contribute to our understanding of ourselves and our lives? So, pick a poem that will...