Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22


  1. Quick look at a variation of a ballad by Oscar Wilde - The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
  2. Poetry close reading hand- out.
  3. Pick either Rhime of the Ancient Mariner or The Ballad of Reading Gaol and do a close reading.
  4. Practice terms quiz. Work through it with a partner. Get key and mark you answers.
  5. Hyperbole, metaphor, simile - from Top Gear


  1. Edit Quiz based on errors from the green sheet we went over yesterday
  2. Complete a stanza of a Tabloid ballad - review ballad structure
  3. Quick look at a variation of a ballad by Oscar Wilde - The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
  4. Poetry close reading hand- out.

  1. Essays: Areas for improvement: Self-reflection
  2. Edit sheet from essays - quiz tomorrow - we are doing term 4 work now!
  3. Ballads & ballad stanza: Rhime of the Ancient Mariner. Before reading "People, places, events... on your paper categorize words on the board.
  4. Schmoop:
  5. Orson Wells version
  6. Ballad stanza explained
  7. Write a Tabloid Ballad:

  1. Silent reading: two novels - how did it go?
  2. Return essays: general feed back. Positives:   Areas for improvement:   Self-reflection
  3. Edit sheet from essays - quiz tomorrow - we are doing term 4 work now!
  4. Ode competition winners

I am lightly injured!
Here are your instructions for today's class:
Time to pick a new term reading novel! Poetry is “on-hold” for today. We have an ode winner from Friday, but the award ceremony will have to wait until I get back - that is if I don't eat all the jelly beans in the interim. 
1.     Read about the difference between “genre fiction” and “literary fiction” in the article “Conventionally Speaking”. Before reading (5 min.), in pairs, brainstorm some of the common genres of fiction and list their features. Discuss which genres you prefer. During reading: keep track of the characteristics of genre and literary fiction in a graphic organizer like a t-chart.
2.     After reading: Library (hopefully!) I would like you to sign-out 2 novels: one, grade-appropriate "genre fiction" novel ( by that I mean crime, romance, sci-fi, western, historical, etc.) and one, grade-appropriate "literary" fiction novel during today. Ideally you will be able to find a genre fiction and literary fiction novel that may have something in common, but one is definitely a work or literature and the other is definitely more of a straight-up, conventional genre novel. BRING BOTH NOVELS TO CLASS TOMORROW!

3.     If there is no option to go to the library today,  work on answering the questions at the end of the text.


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