Monday, December 15 - Friday, December 19
Thursday We spent a good portion of the class reviewing terms and devices related to short stories. Tomorrow is the day for the presentation of the micro-fiction stories! Wednesday Today you wrote your editing quiz based on errors I noted in the synthesis piece about The Bastard. After the quiz, we returned to working on the micro-fictions. In the links section of this blog there are a variety of web sites you can check for examples of micro-fiction and twisters/tweets. Several students showed me their works in progress today. I can tell you are working hard on the twist at the end of the story based on conversations I am overhearing in class and based on what you have shown me. I am impressed by the thought and cleverness shown in the stories I have seen so far. Looking forward to reading more tomorrow. Homework for tomorrow is to have at least two stories completed so that we can do some peer editing. Don't forget about due dates on the horizon. Friday is the LAST day for you...