Monday, December 1 - Friday, December 5

My instructions to the TOC
1. Read for first 10-15 minutes
2. Quiz: the apostrophe; terms & devices ( I know you will be bitterly disappointed that yet again I have not completed making the multiple choice quiz on The Bastard, Faking It and Who I'm Not!)
3. Work on the synthesis piece featuring The Bastard.
4. Christmas Poet-Tree decorations!

Don't forget about the quizzes Friday: the apostrophe and terms and devices. I am going to have to postpone the multiple choice a little longer. Today you had class time to create a t-chart plan (worth marks!) for the synthesis piece on The Bastard and work on you first draft.
I returned the paragraphs you wrote about A.A. Gill's (note the apostrophe please!). If you are satisfied with your grade, you can leave it as is. If you would like to apply my feedback and do a second draft, I will take it in an look it over again and change your grade accordingly. Those who have not yet handed-in a draft have until next Friday, but you will receive no feedback , just a grade.
To follow up on writing convention errors that are an issue in your writing we did a lesson on the poor old apostrophe who appears to have been banished by most of you. Here is the link to the lesson: Save the Apostrophe!
I have decided to move all the quizzes to Friday: the apostrophe edit quiz; the exam terms & devices quiz AND the mulitple choice on The Bastard, Faking It and Who I am Not.
We looked a an odd little video related to The Bastard short story. I like this video because it features that strange and disturbing thought from the Bastard: "Each time this crucial manoeuvre of entering a home was accomplished, he was struck by the image that a house was, after all, much like the skull of a man."
Today most people made their choice for either the paper or e-format for the Provincial Exam. Afterwards, we returned to the criteria strips created in class yesterday and we organized them into piles and gave each pile a title - these will form the criteria sections and statements for the synthesis piece you will be writing about The Bastard and one other reading choice. Next, we reviewed the steps for tackling a question such as: Assess which piece (The Bastard and either Who I am Not or Faking It) demonstrates the greater drawbacks being an imposter imposes on living a happy life.
1. identify the verb = assess
2. identify key words in the question = greater drawbacks/imposter/living a happy life
3. read the texts looking for the BIG IDEAS - themes - if possible write on text or use sticky notes
4. identify quotes in the text that will be useful
5. make a plan - H chart the similarities and differences in the two texts
6. thesis + introduction
7. PEE for body paragraphs 
I have checked-in with everyone now to see what they are reading for the term 2 novel. I will have the term assignment to you by next week. We did not have the multiple choice quiz that had originally been set for today - I am sure a few of you were quite happy that I didn't get to writing the quiz on the weekend. That quiz is postponed until Wednesday or Thursday. It will follow the exam format. Also, don't forget the terms and devices quiz on Friday. It will be more example/term matching, as opposed to term/definition matching the way it was last time. For the remainder of the class, we read over some sample synthesis exam responses that received a "6" (top grade) in order to tease out what the criteria are for an excellent answer.


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