May 28 - June 1


1. Update on the end of Inquiry #3 - Good copy of your narrative essay is due Friday, June 1. Don't delete the copy that has feedback from me; create a second copy and make changes on it. Ensure that you have included a self-reflection for the essay.  Narrative essay is out of  /60
2. I am in the process of evaluating the Evidence of Learning pages - this will take some time:  /24
3. Quiz: non-fiction terms & devices /25.
4. Free Inquiry explanation.

1. QUIZ#2!
2. Prepare your Free Inquiry proposal  - be ready to share it with the class Monday, June 4.

1. Free Inquiry proposal. GOAL for today on your calendar.

1. Tiny exam
2. Free Inquiry proposal GOAL for today on your calendar.
3. Good copy of story.

1. Self-reflection for your narrative essay before you submit. Good copy is due today.
2. Free Inquiry proposal - share with class on Monday. GOAL for today on your calendar.
3. Complete tiny exam


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