March 19 - 23

1. Easter egg hunt! Whaaat?
2. Gots and wants - poetry terms
3. 3 Poems assignments

1. Poetry terms & devices
2. 3 Poems assignment


1. 3 Poems assignment
2. Poetry terms & devices

1. Complete your Mind Map.
2. Connotation vs denotation
3. 3 Poems assignment

1. "Apocalypse Now" after viewing questioning activity in OneNote/content library/inquiry 2/graphic organizer.  
Do the wrap up quote activity too.
2. Reminder about the "Popcorn Project"
3. Pairs Mind Map:

A. Subject  - pick one of the main Inquiry questions:  

How can we makes sense of the darkness in humanity? 
How do we live with evil? Fight it? What actions do we take?
Does the end always justify the means?
What is the role of art (film and short stories) in helping us understand the darkness in humanity?
What disguises does evil wear?

B. 4 - 6 topics related to the question

C. Notes for each topic key ideas

D. Quotes for each topic - from our texts.

E. Place your mind map in the collaboration space by 3:05. 

F. Look at each mind map in the collaboration space. Next to each map, type a comment about a "big idea" about darkness/evil that you got from the mind map, as well as the most interesting idea about darkness/evil that is in the mind map.


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