February 19 - 23
1. Make sure a good copy of your stand alone (literary) text response for either SLOMO/SHLFM or Bastard/Complainers/Roll the Dice is in OneNote - it is out of /18.
2. Check over essay w/s #2 as a class.
3. KAHOOT - poetry terms & devices.
4. Analysis - Charles Bukowski's "The Consummation of Grief."
5. Make sure work on Faking It and What do you see when you look at my facebook are both complete.
1. Avoid "evaluating/judging" a text you are responding to. Assess the effects of devices on the poem and the audience but avoid passing judgement on whether or not you think the author has "done a good job."
2. Final copy of a stand alone text response to either SLOMO/SHLFM or The Bastard/Complainers/Roll the Dice is due tomorrow, Friday, February 23.
3. Essay worksheet #2 - Introductions.
4. Make sure the work on "What do you see when you look at my Facebook" is completed.
5. Read "Faking It" - non-fiction article.
1. Go over essay practice/review #1
2. You will have feedback on your The Bastard/Complainers/Roll the Dice by tomorrow.
3. "What do you see when you look at my facebook?" - non-fiction article.
4. Plan for Thursday and Friday.
1. Work period:
- read your novel
- complete the essay writing review exercise in OneNote/your folder/inquiry1/Essay review w/s #1
- I have left Parlay open so if you still want to contribute ideas about "The Bastard" for points, go ahead: https://go.parlayideas.com/classes/8a0e871f-c65e-4cc6-8ff9-3dcb1eb00e7d/roundtables/online/d0f0478f-696b-4713-ae3a-6de9a4a1e5c7?invite_code=TKe2zQKQN
- make sure both of your response paragraphs are done: 1. SLOMO/SHLFM and 2. The Bastard/Complainers/Roll the Dice
1. Parlay about "The Bastard" will be closed tonight. Get your comments in as this counts for a small grade out 6. Remember: analysis/interpretation/insights and connections.
2. You should have a SLOMO/SHLFM response done and one other paragraph about The Bastard/Complainers/Roll the Dice. Peer editing.
3. Essay writing review.
4. "What do you see when you look at my facebook?" - non-fiction article.
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