Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 15

1. Next week you have a poem recital to do. Today you should find a poem. Use only the Poetry in Voice website:
 The poem MUST be at least 10 lines long.
2. Paste a copy of your poem in OneNote.
3. See if you can find a video or audio recording of someone reading your poem. Start with the Poetry in Voice website videos:

1. Assemble the work for the Creative writing portfolio, including the personal reflection/self-evaluation in a single page in OneNote.
There is a document in your personal OneNote folder that lists all the pieces we have done in class. There is also a rubric for how your portfolio will be assessed.

2. Make sure the first and second drafts of your memoir/personal narrative essay are in OneNote.

1. Work on improving the draft of your memoir/personal narrative essay. Due tomorrow, Thursday, December 14.


1. Listen to some of yesterday's creative writing.
2. Run ons & frags - NO NEED!
3. Poetry terms and devices - 15 minutes MAX - EOEOE: elegy, octave, epic, ode, epigram, onomatopoeia, epitaph, oxymoron, euphony.
4. Introduce the poetry recital and the idea of TONE.

1. Your memoirs have been assessed. Copy and paste your page from the collaboration space into your personal folder. Your GOOD COPY is due this Thursday.
2. Metaphor exercise.
3. Read through the details on the web site below to gather some ideas that may help you beef up your descriptive writing.
Creative writing task - opening sequence of a film & writing the senses. Instructions: With a partner, watch the first 45 seconds of the opening of the film "Seven" - the part where Morgan Freeman is lying in bed listening to a metronome - watch ONLY these 45 seconds for this exercise - use this link for the film's opening: Make sure you can see and hear the clip.
Your task is to describe the opening scene from the movie as if you are including it in part of a memoir. Your description must include all 6 of the ideas that appear in the Writing the Senses "Master Class."

  1. Wednesday  - students should work on improving the draft of their memoir/personal narrative essay. IT IS DUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 
  1. Thursday – assemble work for the Creative writing portfolio, including a personal reflection/self-assessment. Students already have the rubric.  
  1. Friday – students have to recite a poem next week for our "Poetry Café". The should be researching the poem (must have 10 lines or more) and researching how best to read the poem aloud. They are using the Poetry in Voice website.  


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