Monday, June 12 - Thursday, June 15
1. Finish your work on Memento and Memento Mori. Details for both are in Office 365.
2. We are in the computer lab today so that you can go here:
and plan/prepare for next week's exam.
Here you will find an entry point into a practice provincial exam.
Everyone in the class is to do the same exam (2011-2012).
Everyone is to do the e-exam (so you can print your results)
After you select e-Exam for 2011/12, you end up here:
To enter the exam, just double-click the blue link for the 2011/12 exam. It will auto-fill the PEN and Session Password boxes for you.
After you select e-Exam for 2011/12, you end up here:
IF you have already done 2011-2012, pick a different exam. If you have done all the sample exams, redo 2011-2012.
Regardless of whether you have previously completed a practice exam before or not, do one e-exam in-class today, print your results and hand them in to me. Don't forget to put your name on your answer sheet.
Go ahead and do the multiple choice and plan the synthesis essay (or write one IF you have the time) and PRINT your results and hand them in. Yes - I will look it over, and I will give you feedback on your essay.
1. Essay terms & devices quiz - when? Game today Chiffre/Chance or Capture the Castle - which ever you prefer.
2. Exam prep - things on this blog to help you.
3. Terry Fox non-fiction section of the old exam - discuss that one m/c question? Also, discuss the response.
4. Look at the 2012 exam online. How much are the following sections worth? Stand alone text response ________ ? synthesis essay _______ ? composition _________- ?
5. Score some student examples of PNEs from past provincial exams. Prompt: Positive connections with older generations can enrich our lives.
6. Work on your 2 minute story.
1. Prompt chart from yesterday: done? Questions?
2. Two minute stories - how did it go?
3. Essay/non-fiction terms & devices quiz? when? Chiffre/Chance.
4. Terry Fox - non-fiction section of old exam - discuss the stand alone text section and your t-charts.
5. Blog links section for exam help
6. Look at the 2012 exam online. How much are the following sections worth? Stand alone text response ________ ? synthesis essay _______ ? composition _________- ?
7. Score some student examples of PNEs from past provincial exams. Prompt: Positive connections with older generations can enrich our lives.
6. Look at the 2012 exam online. How much are the following sections worth? Stand alone text response ________ ? synthesis essay _______ ? composition _________- ?
7. Score some student examples of PNEs from past provincial exams. Prompt: Positive connections with older generations can enrich our lives.
8. Hamlet - scavenger hunt for information?
9. Character props.
June 12th is Man of Steel Day!
1. The final section of the exam is the composition. You can write an expository essay, a narrative or personal narrative (which is kind of a combo between an essay and a narrative). As you know, you will be given a prompt to write about. Today's handout features 25 past exam prompts. For each prompt, put an X in each column that relates to it, as I have done for the first prompt.
2. Today, I would like you to flex your composition muscles, but not strain your writing muscles. You are going to create a 2 minute audio story inspired by the ‘My Life is True’ series produced by KQED of Northern California. Be sure to keep it at two minutes or less!
To listen to examples of My Life is True, go to iTunes and search My Life if True. The 2 minute podcasts are free.
You can record your audio story directly into Office 365 using a phone. You will need to install the OneNote app on your phone, or work with someone who already has it installed. I have already placed a page in your assignment folder called 2 minute story. You can audio record directly onto the page. Just click beneath the assignment description as if you were going to add text. On an iPhone, an option to type, add a photo, or record audio appears above the keyboard. I am guessing an Android phone will have a similar option.
You must use the following prompt: A good life doesn't have to be complex.
CAN WE WORK IN PAIRS? Each individual must create their own 2 minute story, but working together to create and record the stories is just fine.
DOES THIS COUNT FOR MARKS? Yes. Real report card marks and here is the evaluation rubric for a 6:
The story told is a well developed anecdote, or an experience related to the prompt. It is impressive because of the maturity, imagination, depth of thinking and writing skill. It is avoids predictability, or shallowness. It does not contain material that shocks or offends. It speaks about something the writer clearly knows about, but avoids clichés and lightweight, predictable experiences (like graduation or starting high school). It contains mature vocabulary and avoids overly casual slang or clichéd terms. It has fresh vocabulary, vivid details and stylistic devices. It has a dynamic opening and an insightful conclusion.
This description has been created using the English 12 markers report - a report that is done once the exams are all graded - which states what students did and didn't do well.
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