Tuesday, May 23 - Friday, May 27

1. We are in the computer lab today. You have the entire class to work on your Term 4 essay/blogging assignment. 
- make sure you have a link to your blog in Office 365 in your personal assignment folder. Just create a page called "blog" and paste the URL.
- make sure you review the assignment in Office365/content library/term4/term4 reading assignment because I have noticed most students defaulting to writing paragraph responses to the essays you are reading. You are able to be more creative for this assignment if you wish. Just make sure you do address the different types of reactions points listed in the assignment. SEE ME IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE TO YOU! 
- the due date for your blog is June 8.

Image result for national towel day 2017


1. Essay reading time?
2. Capture the castle to review drama terms and devices - https://quizlet.com/168944317/english-12-terms-and-devices-flash-cards/
3. NEW! Memento mori - what does it mean? Short writing exercise: give advice to a younger You, or an older version of YOU gives the current YOU advice. Be prepared to share. Discuss the fiction possibilities for this scenario.
4. The dramatic monologue is a one-sided conversation in which the speaker is talking to someone who is present in some way, but whom we never see or hear speak.The Dramatic Monologue is a form that allows the thoughts and feelings of the speaker to be the centre of attention. The invisible partner's function is to presumably make statements and ask questions that allow for the free-flow of the speaker's thoughts.The dramatic monologue has a long history of use in poetry--especially in the work of Robert Browning. Today, you will see it at work in a short story by Jonathon Nolan, brother of Christopher Nolan (filmmaker). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqq2aSegXXI


If you submitted a late assignment from Term 3, can you please let me know - I will evaluate them this week, but I want to be sure I know where to look for your essay.

BLOG posts were checked this weekend. A disappointing number of students have not provided me a link to your blog. You have missed an opportunity for a nice little grade out of 6! You should have 2 blog posts done by now.

1. The Provincial Exam is Friday, June 23 at 9:00 am - that's one month from today.
2. The essays for The Bastard & SHLFM are in the process of being evaluated. I have saved those that were submitted after the class was over into my own folder. If you have taken extra time, your essay will be marked as a "good" copy as opposed to those written last week which are evaluated as "first drafts". If you were absent last Thursday, please see me about setting up a time to write the essay. 
3. Today, you will read a poem from the Provincial Exam. You will then answer the m/c questions and write the "stand alone" text response to the poem. Record your student number on your work. You will be exchanging papers and evaluating another person's work via a "sample match".
5. Hand-out with all drama terms & devices and their definitions. Play "Capture the Castle".


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