Tuesday, February 14 - Thursday, February 16

1. Write your memoir. Minimum 300 words (maximum 700 words). The memoir must deal with either of the following: change, life lesson, life experience, life influence. 
Rubric and other details for this written assignment are in the Links section to the right of this blog post. 

Make sure your memoir passes the "Gateway" criteria. The Gateway criteria include checking your writing for proper paragraphing, spelling, capitalization, proofread for typing errors, and grammatical errors (look out for sentence fragments / incomplete sentences, and run-on sentences). YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC BEFORE SUBMITTING TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MET THE CRITERIA FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.

Your memoir is due no later than 1pm Friday, Feb 17th. I am hoping to be able to get you to submit to OneNote in Office 365. If that works, submit to the collaborative space and put only your student number on your memoir document.
Don't forget to hand-in your memoir in-class work: annotated copies of A Hanging, It's So Quiet, Dumb Kid's Class, Memoir chart, memoir notes.

Hink Pink: arguing sister

1. Term reading assignment info/document on blog.
2. Try out Office 365 - see what student area for Office 365 looks like.
3. Mark the back of the blue parallelism practice.
4. Co-constructing the description for a quality memoir: ideas & content; organization; voice/style; conventions. Structure:

The five is accomplished and reflects a strong grasp of the task. It completely meets expectations. The composition displays________________________________. The writing is____________________________________. Vocabulary and sentence structure are _____________________________and_______________________________________. Errors_______________________________________________________________.

5. Score some examples of compositions from the Provincial exam - note - they are not all memoirs.
6. Reminder - we are in the computer lab tomorrow. You will write your memoir. It must relate to either Change, Life lesson, Influences or Life Experiences. Things to avoid: grandparent's funeral, grad, break-ups. Try an ordinary object, a tiny event, a small place, a part of a person's body, a part of a pet?
7. Last parallelism practice.
8. "I Witness" for inspiration.
9. Hand-in some "stuff" tomorrow: A Hanging, It's So Quiet, Dumb Kid's, Memoir Chart, Memoir notes, etc.


Hink Pinks!

1. Read a memoir - review the defining traits of a memoir - you will write yours on Thursday.
2. Submission of assignments - Office 365.
3. Term reading assignment info/document on blog -
4. Three levels of reading review: Sock Monkey memoir - a memoir about an object. Think 3 levels of writing when you write your memoir.
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yALjuJcfg90&t=93s
Go over your creative writing work from last Wednesday. Vote for the best description.
6. Score some memoirs from the Provincial Exam.
7. New parallelism practice.


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