Monday, February 27 - Thursday, March 2
Thursday 1. Reading time for term 3 novel. 2. Complete blending quote practice if not already done. 3. Create a t-chart for one of the Vermette poems from yesterday. The prompt to respond to is: I wanted to show the beauty of broken things. Make at least 3 points on the left of the t-chart that deal with the prompt. On the right side of the chart, gather quotes from the poem that would support your points. Put your chart into your notebook in Office 365. 4. Write a stand alone text response to one of Vermette's poems. Remember my comments to you on your Ordinary Day response. At the top of your Vermette response, type out one thing you will improve upon in this response. Also, remember what we discussed about strong responses: have an opening/intro/hook that mentions a bit about the poem, the poet, the title of the poem. Ensure you write at least 3 points related to the prompt. Use BLENDED QUOTEs to support your ideas. Provide a conclusi...