
Showing posts from February, 2017

Monday, February 27 - Thursday, March 2

Thursday 1. Reading time for term 3 novel. 2. Complete blending quote practice if not already done. 3. Create a t-chart for one of the Vermette poems from yesterday. The prompt to respond to is: I wanted to show the beauty of broken things. Make at least 3 points on the left of the t-chart that deal with the prompt. On the right side of the chart, gather quotes from the poem that would support your points. Put your chart into your notebook in Office 365. 4. Write a stand alone text response to one of Vermette's poems. Remember my comments to you on your Ordinary Day response. At the top of your Vermette response, type out one thing you will improve upon in this response. Also, remember what we discussed about strong responses: have an opening/intro/hook that mentions a bit about the poem, the poet, the title of the poem. Ensure you write at least 3 points related to the prompt. Use BLENDED QUOTEs to support your ideas. Provide a conclusi...

Monday, February 20 - Thursday, February 23

Thursday 1. We will be in the computer room working on the final draft of your memoir . Wednesday HINK PINKS! 1. Do you want to go to the Green Thumb production next week? 2. Reading time? Possible books from the library... 3.  What is a sentence???  Sentence Fragment Practice  ___ 1. While they were gone to the grocery store.  ___ 2. Going to Florida and to Jamaica for Spring Break.  ___ 3. Before the children have to go to bed.  ___ 4. They are beautiful.  ___ 5. Three of us went on the retreat.  ___ 6. Because she had gone to her friend's house late at night without asking for permission.  ___ 7. She won't eat them.  ___ 8. I don't know when she's coming back.  ___ 9. Since they left early in the morning.  ___ 10. Mike doesn't know.  ___ 11. Don't go into that room alone.  ___ 12. After you return from t...

Tuesday, February 14 - Thursday, February 16

Thursday 1. Write your memoir. Minimum 300 words (maximum 700 words). The memoir must deal with either of the following: change, life lesson, life experience, life influence.  Rubric and other details for this written assignment are in the Links section to the right of this blog post.  Make sure your memoir passes the "Gateway" criteria. The Gateway criteria include checking your writing for proper paragraphing, spelling, capitalization, proofread for typing errors, and grammatical errors (look out for sentence fragments / incomplete sentences, and run-on sentences). YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC BEFORE SUBMITTING TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MET THE CRITERIA FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. Your memoir is due no later than 1pm Friday, Feb 17th. I am hoping to be able to get you to submit to OneNote in Office 365. If that works, submit to the collaborative space and put only your student number on your memoir document. Don't forget to hand-in your memoir in-class work: annot...

Monday, February 6 - Thursday, February 9

Thursday -   CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW!!!  :) Wednesday 1. You and a partner are going to try your hand at some creative writing. Read through the details on the web site below to gather some ideas that may help you beef up your descriptive writing. 2. Creative writing task - opening sequence of a film & writing the senses. Instructions: With a partner, watch the first 45 seconds of the opening of the film "Seven" - the part where Morgan Freeman is lying in bed listening to a metronome - watch ONLY these 45 seconds for this exercise - use this link for the film's opening:  Make sure you can see and hear the clip. 3. Your task is to describe the opening scene from the movie as if you are including it in part of a memoir. Your description must include all 6 of the ideas that appear in the Writing the Senses "M...