Wednesday, January 4 - Thursday, January 5
1. Novel response #3 due at the end of today's class.
3 quotes and discuss each one briefly - response should be at least 250 words. One quote to show each level of reading. For example, a quote that relates to the events/conflict going on in the novel at this point; a quote that really highlights the author's style; a quote that relates strongly to the main theme (message about life, society or human behaviour).
I will be evaluating these responses holistically - which means I will use the rubric, but I will not be writing feedback comments on your responses. If you would like feedback, ask me to review your response while we are in the computer lab today. You should also review your two previous responses to see my comments and suggestions for improvement.
1. "Classic" novel - response tomorrow: 3 quotes and discuss each one briefly. One quote to show each level of reading. For example, a quote that relates to the events/conflict going on in the novel at this point; a quote that really highlights the author's style; a quote that relates strongly to the main theme (message about life, society or human behaviour).
2. Return synthesis essays.
3. Introduction to writing personal narratives: Live Through This:
4. What makes a strong PNE? "I Witness" reading selection.
5. Composition prompts from the Provincial Exam. What is the value of this section of the exam?
6. Writer's BOOTCAMP: 250 words today: Challenging circumstances lead to positive actions.
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