Monday, December 5 - Thursday, December 8
Christmas Hink Pink Week !
A happy holiday plant.
1. Response #2 for your classic fiction novel. Choose any 3 questions to guide your response, but ensure you deal with the 3 levels of reading through you choices/discussion.
2. Essay outline for A Short Story and Mixed Tape. See blog post from yesterday.
3. Questions for A Short Story are due next Tuesday.

A brief rest for Santa.
1. Progress reports.
2. Mark parallelism quiz.
3. Edit sheet #5 - based on reading responses to term 2 novel.
4. Return the essay plans for SHLFM. Feedback.
5. Last essay plan: Synthesis essay. Prompt discuss imagery in "A Short Story" and "Mixed Tape". Come up with a thesis statement; state what each of your 3 arguments will discuss; provide quotes for each of your arguments; write one body paragraph for the essay (topic sentence, PEE x 3, blended quotes, conclusion/So What to link paragraph back to thesis.
6. Questions for A Short Story are due next Tuesday.
A large person who doesn't enjoy Christmas
1. Questions for "A Short Story" - due on Thursday.
2. Quiz on parallelism.
3. Graffiti some quotes from "A Short Story"
4. Continue working on questions for story.
A holiday donkey is a: __________ ___________
1. Reading time for classic fiction. Response #2 is due at the end of the class on Thursday. We are in room 506 on that day. Do the response during that time using no secondary sources.
2. Mark the remaining parallelism practice #3. Little quiz on parallelism tomorrow.
3. Complete reading "A Short Story". Continue with groups, highlighting and discussing sections you highlighted.
4. Begin the questions on "A Short Story."
A happy holiday plant.
1. Response #2 for your classic fiction novel. Choose any 3 questions to guide your response, but ensure you deal with the 3 levels of reading through you choices/discussion.
2. Essay outline for A Short Story and Mixed Tape. See blog post from yesterday.
3. Questions for A Short Story are due next Tuesday.

A brief rest for Santa.
1. Progress reports.
2. Mark parallelism quiz.
3. Edit sheet #5 - based on reading responses to term 2 novel.
4. Return the essay plans for SHLFM. Feedback.
5. Last essay plan: Synthesis essay. Prompt discuss imagery in "A Short Story" and "Mixed Tape". Come up with a thesis statement; state what each of your 3 arguments will discuss; provide quotes for each of your arguments; write one body paragraph for the essay (topic sentence, PEE x 3, blended quotes, conclusion/So What to link paragraph back to thesis.
6. Questions for A Short Story are due next Tuesday.
A large person who doesn't enjoy Christmas
1. Questions for "A Short Story" - due on Thursday.
2. Quiz on parallelism.
3. Graffiti some quotes from "A Short Story"
4. Continue working on questions for story.
A holiday donkey is a: __________ ___________
1. Reading time for classic fiction. Response #2 is due at the end of the class on Thursday. We are in room 506 on that day. Do the response during that time using no secondary sources.
2. Mark the remaining parallelism practice #3. Little quiz on parallelism tomorrow.
3. Complete reading "A Short Story". Continue with groups, highlighting and discussing sections you highlighted.
4. Begin the questions on "A Short Story."
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