Monday, November 7 - Thursday, November 10

1. Time to work on finishing touches and printing the final copy of the term 1 banned book assignment. It is due today.
2. Work time on the synthesis essay about the short story The Bastard and the non-fiction piece Faking It. See below for the prompt. Rubrics were distributed in class. The rubric is also in the links section of this blog. Draft of essay is due on Thursday, November 17.

1. Assign synthesis essay topic: Discuss the ways in which a person with the "impostor phenomenon" might respond to a character like deWitt's Bastard. OR Discuss the ways in which the Bastard might respond to a person with imposter phenomenon.
2. Go over rubric for the essay. Draft is due next Thursday.
3. I will be checking your essay worksheets while you work on a plan for your essay. I would suggest a t-chart where you write down what the reactions might be and a quote from the text that would support you. 

Pig squeal
1. Quiz on editing.
2. Attack the Castle - short story terms
3. Synthesis essays - criteria.

Classic novel to class on Thursday, November 10. 
Thursday, November 10 - Term 1 banned book assignment final copy is due.

Sharp speech impediment

1. Term 1 banned book assignment. Good copy is due Thursday, November 10
2. Go over editing practice based on Plath response. QUIZ TOMORROW
3. Look at a few more sample synthesis essays. Score them. Discuss differences between a "4", "5" and a "6".
4. Co-construct criteria for a synthesis essay.
5. Go to library for last 15-20 minutes to look for literary fiction book. Novels to class by Thursday, November 10th


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