Monday, October 24 - Thursday, October 27

Brain Food Week!
Brain Food Week!

Can you think of a word that is pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized?

Reminder that the Plath response good copy is due tomorrow. Hand in draft and feedback with good copy. 

1. Last day of class reading time for your banned book.
2. KAHOOT - short story terms!
3. Essay worksheet #2 - show me essay w/s #1
4. Complete reading Faking It. During reading: thinking about "fakes" and "fakery" -  context, purpose, audience. Yes, another t-chart! Fakes/fakery in The Bastard vs Faking It. After reading Venn Diagram of the two texts - Fakes/fakery.
5. Yellow daily evidence of learning - complete self-assessments  - 2 t-charts on The Bastard
6. Synthesis essays - what are they and why should you care... 

Every so often Blogger behaves strangely and I cannot fix it. If there is text that you cannot see, highlight it and you will be able to read it. 
FASHION SHOW EMAIL *** Please ask me about this! I was supposed to mention it last week.
Brain Food Week!
Punctuate the following so it makes sense: 
"That that is is that that is not is not is not that it it is."
1. A bit of time to read your banned book.
2. Begin review of essay structure with some practice worksheets.
3. Synthesis essays - what are they and why should you care...
4. Complete the Focused Feedback on the Plath responses.
5. Using your Assignment Log write down an area of improvement you want to address in the Plath response - pick one simple thing like: reduce run on sentences.
6. Plath response is due on Thursday, October 26 at the end of class.
7. Terms and devices this week and next - Short Stories
8. Show me the 2 t-charts for The Bastard. Attach to Daily Evidence of Learning Sheet. Do self-reflection.
9. Begin reading the non-fiction text Faking It. Before reading: Think of a Time/ Give one Get one. During reading: yes, another t-chart! After reading Fakes/fakery in The Bastard; Fakes and fakery in Faking It. Venn Diagram of the two texts. Also, thinking about "fakes" and "fakery" -  context, purpose, audience.


1. A bit of time to read your banned book. You have to have it finished for this Thursday because you will be in the lab writing your first draft of the response. Final copy of the response is due on Thursday, November 10.
2. QUICK review of last week to ensure everyone has done everything:
• Complete the Focused Feedback on the Plath responses.
• Using your Assignment Log write down an area of improvement you want to address in this response - pick one simple thing like: reduce run on sentences.
• Identify the evidence of quality on your own response. Pay particular attention to the SAMPLE you looked at yesterday:
        a) prompt about "the divided self" has clearly been discussed
        b) introduction and conclusion
        c) blended quotes  - ideally 3 or more
        d) the use of literary/poetry terms/devices - should have mentioned at least 2-3
Plath response is due on Thursday, October 26 at the end of class.
Terms and devices this week and next - Short Stories
3. Quiz on The Bastard
4. Show me the 2 t-charts for The Bastard. Attach to Daily Evidence of Learning Sheet.
5. Begin reading the non-fiction text Faking It. Before reading: Think of a Time/ Give one Get one. During reading: thinking about "fakes" and "fakery" -  context, purpose, audience. Yes, another t-chart! Fakes/fakery in The Bastard; Fakes and fakery in Faking It. After reading Venn Diagram of the two texts - Fakes/fakery.
6. Begin review of essay structure with some practice worksheets.
7. Synthesis essays - what are they and why should you care...


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