Monday, October 17 - Thursday, October 20

Phew! Found another one...
1. We are in a computer lab today. Read that banned book! Only 7 more days.
2. Complete the Focused Feedback on the Plath responses.
3.Using your Assignment Log write down an area of improvement you want to address in this response - pick one simple thing like: reduce run on sentences.
4. Identify the evidence of quality on your own response. Pay particular attention to the SAMPLE you looked at yesterday:
a) prompt about "the divided self" has clearly been discussed
b) introduction and conclusion
c) blended quotes - ideally 3 or more
d) the use of literary/poetry terms/devices - should have mentioned at least 2-3
5. Quiz on The Bastard - towards the end of class
6. Show me the 2 t-charts for The Bastard. Attach to Daily Evidence of Learning Sheet.
7. Time to rework your Plath response based on the feedback you receive.
8. Begin reading the non-fiction text Faking It. Before reading: Think of a Time/ Give one Get one. During reading: thinking about "fakes" and "fakery" - context, purpose, audience. Yes, another t-chart!
9. Begin review of essay structure with some practice worksheets.

I wonder if I can find four days worth of cat palindromes?
Wednesday -
1. Read your banned book for a bit while I collect the Plath responses and prepare them. Reminder: student numbers only please.
2. Hand-out for your folder about giving peer feedback on the responses.
3. Things to look for in the Plath responses SAMPLE MATCH
a) prompt about "the divided self" has clearly been discussed
b) introduction and conclusion
c) blended quotes - ideally 3 or more
d) the use of literary/poetry terms/devices - should have mentioned at least 2-3
Compare your paragraph with the sample and record 2 things you could do to improve your work.
4. Identify the evidence of quality on your own response. On the bottom of the Focused Feedback state 2 things that you will do to improve your response - don't forget about your goals on the Assignment Log.
5. Continue with the reading of "The Bastard." Don't forget about the 7 Deadly Sins and animals.
I was away today. Instructions for the TOC were to let you read your banned books, complete reading "The Bastard," do two little charts about animal symbolism and the 7 Deadly Sins, then work on the Plath response which we will edit in class tomorrow.

Welcome to Palindrome Week!
1. Reading banned book. Discuss the due date for the term assignment which is November 10. You will have 1 class to work on the assignment next week. The following week you will self-assess and peer-assess. BEWARE! there is no Friday extra work time on November 11 because it is Remembrance Day.
2. Return Vermette/SloMo responses - Post-it: did you address anything on your assignment log? If so, what is your next goal? If not, why not? Staple drafts and feedback to final copy, place it in your folder.
3. Sylvia Plath responses are due tomorrow. In order to benefit from feedback, make sure your draft is printed and ready at the beginning of the class - first block tomorrow.
4. "The Bastard" - Today's Meet - definitions. Author background.
5. During reading - Gambling on Predictions. Also, keep track of symbolism during reading.
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