Monday, February 29 - Friday, March 4

  1. The Soul of Capitalism. After reading, Applicationslist 3 topics the text deals with.  What are some "tells" for the theme of a text? For each topic, come up with a theme statement. 
  2. Synthesis essays - what are they? Analysis/interpretation. 1st get familiar with the question: verbs and keywords. 2nd read the context info. 3rd read with a pencil in hand. Read and label. 4th always make an outline - that is why the gods created the T-chart. 
  3. What makes a quality Synthesis Essay? We will look at the rubric, and score some student examples. Rubric:
  4. Using examples of student papers that scored “6”, we will pull out what makes them quality synthesis essays. Examples:
  5. Self-reflection. 


  1. Essay structure review - DUE TODAY  introduction.
  2. Next text to read The Soul of Capitalism.” Before reading: Walkabout review - Recollections:  What is capitalism? During reading, Insights: into Haps character based on his progress through the art gallery. After reading, Applications: list 3 topics the text deals with.  What are some "tells" for the theme of a text? For each topic, come up with a theme statement. 
  3. Briefly discuss "When Canada Met Andy." Groups of 4, complete MIPs on placemat. Decide on 3 main topics and then theme and place them in the center.
  4. Self-reflection. 


  1. Transition practice - 12 o'clock partner: give them a transitional phrase to use. Write their example on the board.
  2. Essay structure REVIEW - basic outline notes. Practice writing an introduction. PRACTICE IS DUE TOMORROW. 
  3. Next text to read “The Soul of Capitalism.” Before reading: Walkabout review - Recollections - What is capitalism? During reading: Insights into Hap’s character based on his progress through the art gallery. After reading: Applications topics vs theme and theme “tells."
  1. Don't forget to talk to me about a draft 2 of your No Canada response if you scored below 15/30. You have until this Friday, March 4th to get me your improved response. 
  3. Edit sheet based on errors in No Canada response paragraphs. QUIZ 


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