Monday, September 28 - Friday, October 2
Friday Following a rousing game of Kahoot! to practice the exam terms and devices, there was time to complete yesterday's rubric assignments and to complete the embedding quotes worksheet. Thursday Continuing with the inquiry question for this term (Is there a Canadian Voice?), on Today's Meet I asked who you would name as Canada's most powerful, influential citizen. And now I know who Drake is! After a few other names were tossed around, we came up with a set of criteria for a person of influence. These were narrowed down to the ones you see below. Your task was then to read the Maclean's Magazine article ( link ) and pick 10 individuals from the list. Individually or in groups, you are to create a "report card" for your 10 people. "Test" each individual against the criteria we came up with. Create a simple chart with the criteria statements and the names of the ten people. Check off which criteria they meet. At the end, give them a letter grade...