Monday, October 6 - Friday, October 10

At the beginning of class, I handed out a definition sheet for short story terms. We will practice these exam terms every Friday until the end of the semester. This Friday, prepare for another "Battle of the Sexes". Girls team: time to redeem yourselves. We got off to kind of a slow start to the week as part of today's class was taken up with a meeting about the Grad Fashion Show. We looked at some strong examples of theme statements for Bowering's short story. Some of you have really understood how to write a theme statement that deals with the author's message about life, society, or human behaviour. Remember that there is no need to include story details in a theme statement. From theme statements, we moved to essay thesis statements. We will review the criteria for a strong thesis again tomorrow as we move towards writing our first essay of the semester.

Today we reviewed the elements of the Basic Essay Structure Diagram. Seems like this was review for most of you so we breezed through it. We went over what a thesis statement is again and everyone is pretty clear on this concept too. Things got a little messy when you tried your hand at writing thesis statements for Bowering's story. DO NOT despair! Part of the problem is that it is a very challenging story to understand. So writing a thesis statement is going to be tricky.

Short little class today due to Terry Fox Run and PLC day. Today we looked at some of your thesis statements from yesterday. There were quite a few that showed real thought and great perception related to the short story. I have provided you with five thesis statements (see link below) that you can use if you are struggling with your own thesis.Coming up with a strong thesis is critical to a solid essay; a weak or confusing thesis makes the essay that much more difficult to write. Next, we turned our attention to preparing the essay outline. I asked for the following:

quote related to your thesis: 
topic/topic sentence for body paragraph 1: 
quote that you could use in this 1st paragraph: 

topic/topic sentence for body paragraph 2: 
quote that you could use in the 2nd paragraph:

topic/topic sentence for body paragraph 3:
quote that you could use in the 3rd paragraph:

possible thesis statements  for you to choose from

Today after silent reading, we looked at some examples of quality literary essays in order to determine what criteria you should be meeting in your own essays. Once the criteria statements were written, we began sorting them. We didn't quite finish, but we did enough that I was able to type up the criteria you came up with. I was impressed by your understanding of this type of writing. Together, the class came up with virtually all the necessary elements for a quality literary essay. This knowledge will come in very handy tomorrow when we do our first major in-class write. Essay criteria.

As an end of the week reward, we played a rousing game of Pictionary as we didn't have time to do the Short Story Terms competition. The girls won Pictionary!!! Bravo. Following that energizer, you settled in to your second in-class write: an essay about "A Short Story". Many of you need a bit of extra time so you can finish up your draft on Tuesday. Don't forget to review the short story terms over the weekend.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 
Short Story Terms


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