
June 11 - 14

Your Evidence of Learning for your Free Inquiry is due at the end of the day  Thursday, June 14 Monday 1. Your have 4 more classes to work on your Free Inquiry. 2. KAHOOT! 3. Do you want to do another exam practice? 4. Make sure that  in your Evidence of Learning you have a completed proposal  with the following headings: • Inquiry question(s) • What new learning will result from working on this inquiry? • What resources will you use? • What is your performance task/product? • How will you share/publish your "product"? • What  rubric  will you use to self-assess? • What  "quality example"  will you use to guide you in your performance task/product?

June 4 - June 8

Friday 1. KAHOOT? - or we can do this on Monday? 2. Free Inquiry work time. 3. Provincial Exam - Gots & Wants Thursday 1. Uninterrupted Free Inquiry work time. Wednesday 1. Work on your Free Inquiry. Tuesday 1. Tiny exam #1 - go over. 2. Work on your Free Inquiry. Monday 1. Present your Free Inquiry proposals 2. Make sure that in your Evidence of Learning you have a completed proposal with the following headings: • Inquiry question(s) • What new learning will result from working on this inquiry? • What resources will you use? • What is your performance task/product? • How will you share/publish your "product"? • What rubric will you use to self-assess? • What "quality example" will you use to guide you in your performance task/product?

May 28 - June 1

Image Monday 1. Update on the end of Inquiry #3 - Good copy of your narrative essay is due Friday, June 1 . Don't delete the copy that has feedback from me; create a second copy and make changes on it. Ensure that you have included a self-reflection for the essay.  Narrative essay is out of   /60 2. I am in the process of evaluating the Evidence of Learning pages - this will take some time:  /24 3. Quiz: non-fiction terms & devices /25. 4. Free Inquiry explanation. Tuesday 1. QUIZ#2! 2. Prepare your Free Inquiry proposal  - be ready to share it with the class Monday, June 4. Wednesday 1. Free Inquiry proposal. GOAL for today on your calendar. Thursday 1. Tiny exam 2. Free Inquiry proposal  GOAL for today  on  your calendar. 3. Good copy of story. Friday 1. Self-reflection for your narrative essay before you submit. Good copy is due today. 2. Fr...

May 22 - May 25

Monday, May 28 - Quiz on non-fiction terms and devices. Friday & Thursday 1. Continue working on your narrative essay. I will be checking-in on your progress today. Wednesday 1. Write the introduction to your narrative essay. Tuesday 1. Selfrie. 2. Using the template/outline you created last week, plan your narrative essay. Show me this outline today. 3. Write your introduction based on the outline you have created. Remember:  literary elements and devices (parallelism, imagery, onomatopoeia, synesthesia, alliteration, assonance, metaphor, simile) A good tip: a various points in your narrative,  include a place, a smell, a colour, a significant object • Manipulate language purposefully     • Use figurative as well as literal language    

May 14 - May 18

Quiz on Parallelism on Thursday Friday 1. Mark parallelism quiz. 2. Make sure W1, W2, W3, W4 are completed. Thursday 1. Parallelism quiz. 2. How to write dialogue. 3. Make sure you have completed the template using a sample short story. Wednesday 1. Flex your metaphor muscles. 2. Tidy-up your Evidence of Learning. Tuesday 1. Complete your dissection of your "template" narrative essay. Pay particular attention to the conclusion. We will look at "A Hanging" together. Move this template to W4. ‘Wriggling about, eh? That's bad,’ said the superintendent.   ‘Ach, sir, it  iss  worse when they become refractory! One man, I recall, clung to the bars of hiss cage when we went to take him out. You will scarcely credit, sir, that it took six warders to dislodge him, three pulling at each leg. We reasoned with him. “My dear fellow,” we said, “think of all the pain and trouble you are causing to us!” But no, he would not listen! Ach, h...

May 7 - May 11

Provincial Exam: Monday, June 25 Friday 1. Kahoot - non-fiction terms & devices. 2. More practice with parallelism. 3. W3 - Finish-up "dissecting" an essay. Pay particular attention to the conclusion. We will look at "A Hanging" together. 4. Explore how to write a RECAP:  pin # eyjrloh Thursday 1. Non-fiction terms & devices: Capture the Castle! 2. Parallelism explained. 3. Pick one of the 5 narrative essays and "dissect" it! Wednesday 1. Non-fiction terms and devices 2. Research on your social issue for the narrative essay. Tuesday 1. Answers to the narrative essay questions about your choice of 2 stories should be in OneNote/your folder/inquiry 3/W2 by now 2. Researching social issues - clarification. 3. Provincial exam prompts for the final section of the exam. 4. Kahoot - non-fiction terms and devices. 5. Research time. Monday 1. Research a social issue that you could include in your narrative essay. Prov...

April 30 - May 4

What do we live for?   What impacts our lives?   What’s important in our lives? What do we cherish? Friday 1. Present your Adobe spark assignment. 2. Copy the Quote in the calendar at the beginning of this week. What thoughts are you pondering about memoirs at the beginning of this week? 3. Read your narrative essays (see below). 4. KAHOOT? Thursday 1. Indian Horse - film Wednesday 1. Read at least 2 more narrative essays of your choice. Show your understanding of them in your W2 Evidence of Learning by dealing with the narrative essay questions we have been using. READ at least  2  narrative essays from the list below.   Provide evidence of learning details about both narrative essays ( ie . answer the questions *** we have used for the first 3 essays).   “Growing Up Native”   “Mama, the dentist, and me”  http://miller...