April 30 - May 4

What do we live for? What impacts our lives? What’s important in our lives? What do we cherish? Friday 1. Present your Adobe spark assignment. 2. Copy the Quote in the calendar at the beginning of this week. What thoughts are you pondering about memoirs at the beginning of this week? 3. Read your narrative essays (see below). 4. KAHOOT? Thursday 1. Indian Horse - film Wednesday 1. Read at least 2 more narrative essays of your choice. Show your understanding of them in your W2 Evidence of Learning by dealing with the narrative essay questions we have been using. READ at least 2 narrative essays from the list below. Provide evidence of learning details about both narrative essays ( ie . answer the questions *** we have used for the first 3 essays). “Growing Up Native” http://mslock.weebly.com/uploads/5/9/3/9/59397655/growingupnative.pdf “Mama, the dentist, and me” http://miller...