Monday, September 25 - Thursday, September 28

Thursday Today we are in 506. This will give you an opportunity to get your journal entries into OneNote. Ask me for help if you are still having trouble submitting to your folder. Review the due dates on the right side of this blog. We will finish Short Happy Life next week. Wednesday Continue with the reading of Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. Tuesday Today is National Better Breakfast Day I will be checking in with everyone about your progress. Today the whole class will begin reading The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. If you have a completed journal about this short story in OneNote for me to scan, you can continue to work independently on your novel and the other texts for the unit. Hemingway was portrayed as a macho, adventurous man who had a strong moral code, valuing courage and passionate love. We associate him with war, big game hunting, boxing, and...