Monday, March 27 - Thursday, March 30

Thursday Take a pencil to lunch... 1. Time to get cracking on that essay! Wednesday 1. Reading time - give me your essay practice sheet from yesterday for feedback. 2. Thesis development for tomorrow's essay. 3. Edit sheet based on text responses? Quiz will be next week. 4. Mark poetry quiz? Help for writing a thesis statement: A good way to create a thesis is to come up with a question that you can answer about the book and its film. What are the author's views about society; does the film capture this? How does the author deliver their views about society; does the film do the same thing? A bad thesis statement will result in a bad essay with either too many ideas and no focus, or too few ideas and no depth/insight. For example: 1. Start with a question... • Is the adaptation a straight or a loose interpretation of the novel? 2. Answer the question... Yes, it is a faithful adaptation because like the novel, it is in two parts. ...