Monday, January 18 - Friday, January 22
Friday I did plan a variety of review options for today; however most people wanted to have time to study for the exam on their own, or in small groups, and ask questions of me as they arose. I will be in the portable on Monday no later than 8:30. Come by for a doughnut and a coffee (bring your own mug if you can!) before the exam if you wish. Drink lots of water over the weekend, and get lots of rest. YOU ARE ALL GOING TO KILL THIS EXAM! Thursday We began today with a rousing game of Chiffre Chance to review some terms and devices. Following that, we some before reading questioning related to George Bowering's short story entitled "A Short Story." Wednesday It was universally agreed that more time was needed for the synthesis plan about the term novel. Tuesday All of today's class was spent working on the plan for a synthesis essay about the term novel and a second text. Monday One week today everyone will write the Provincial Exam! I handed back th...